"Sardinia Online Booking"
Reserve sus vacaciones en Cerdeña
Toda la comodidad que busca para sus vacaciones en Cerdeña
Confort, naturaleza y entretenimiento a su alcance
Sus vacaciones en un oasis
Alquilar un coche
Todos los operadores están actualizando sus perfiles para ofrecerle un mejor servicio
Some features of this website need to store information about your visit. This is used only to provide service to you, is never shared with anyone else and is deleted when no longer needed.
You have not yet told us if we can collect Personally Identifiable Information about you
You must consent to us storing this data for you to be able to make bookings on this site. Regardless of whether or not you consent to your data being stored, we will store a cookie on your computer to tell us whether or not you have opted in. This helps us to ensure that we do not constantly ask you whether or not you want to opt in or out and it does not contain any Personally Identifiable Information (PII). If you change your mind you can visit the "App permissions" page at any time to opt in or out.
The information is stored for different time periods depending on the nature of your visit. So, if you are just looking around we will store approximate geographical location (country level) information. If you perform searches, then to make search forms more user friendly we will store the last things you searched on. This information is typically stored for a maximum of 24 hours and is only used to make your visit more pleasant.
When you make a booking with us, by necessity more information is stored.